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Cluster Observability


This section only refers to GKE Clusters using the newer "Stackdriver Kubernetes Engine Logging" and "Stackdriver Kubernetes Engine Monitoring" mechanism. If you are using Terraform, the value for the logging_service should be and monitoring_service should be


GKE Logs

When is enabled for a cluster in a project, the following resource_types now appear in Stackdriver:

  • GKE Cluster Operations - resource.type="gke_cluster" Captures actions like CreateCluster and DeleteCluster similar to what is shown via gcloud container operations list. Use this to know when clusters are created/updated/deleted (including the full object specification details/settings), who performed that action, if it was authorized, and more. Add protoPayload.authorizationInfo.granted!=true to the filter to see all unauthorized attempts.
  • GKE NodePool Operations - resource.type="gke_nodepool" Similar to GKE Cluster Operations but specific to operations on node pools. gcloud container operations list mixes both cluster and node pool operations into a single output for ease of monitoring upgrades from one gcloud command.
  • Kubernetes Cluster - resource.type="k8s_cluster" Captures actions against the Kubernetes API Server/Control Plane of all clusters in the project. Add the filter resource.labels.cluster_name="standard-cluster-2" resource.labels.location="us-central1-a" to limit the logs to a specific cluster in a specific location (region or zone). Use this to know when Kubernetes resources are created/updated/deleted (including the full object specification details), who performed that action, if it was authorized, and more. Add labels.""="forbid" or "allow" to the filter to see which actions were permitted by RBAC inside the cluster. When paired with protoPayload.authenticationInfo.principalEmail="", this filter can help with troubleshooting RBAC failures during the development of RBAC ClusterRoles and Roles.

    You might want to configure filters and sinks/exports for all RBAC failures and look for anomalies/failures of service accounts. For instance, if protoPayload.authenticationInfo.principalEmail="kubelet" does not have a UserAgent like: protoPayload.requestMetadata.callerSuppliedUserAgent="kubelet/v1.13.7 (linux/amd64) kubernetes/7d3d6f1", but instead one corresponding to curl or kubectl, it's a near-guarantee that a malicious actor has stolen and is using the kubelet's credentials.

  • Kubernetes Node - resource.type="k8s_node" Captures all logs exported from the GCE Instance operating system for all nodes in all clusters in the project. In the case of COS, these are systemd logs. Add the filter jsonPayload._SYSTEMD_UNIT="kubelet.service" to see logs from the kubelet systemd unit, and add a filter like resource.labels.node_name="gke-standard-cluster-1-default-pool-de92f9ef-qwpq" to limit the scope to a single node.

  • Kubernetes Pod - resource.type="k8s_pod" Captures pod "events" logs that describe the lifecycle/operations of pods. If you run kubectl describe pod <podname> and view the "Events" section manually during troubleshooting, these will be familiar. It's important to note that the "Events" logs in Kubernetes do not persist after a certain period of time, so shipping these to Stackdriver allows for diagnosing issues after the fact. Adding the filter resource.labels.pod_name="mynginx-5b97b974b6-6x589" resource.labels.cluster_name="standard-cluster-2" resource.labels.location="us-central1-a" resource.labels.namespace_name="default" allows for narrowing things down to a specific pod in a specific namespace in a specific cluster.
  • Kubernetes Container - resource.type="k8s_container" Captures the per-container logs that your application emits. The same output as if you run kubectl logs mypod -c mycontainer. In addition to the cluster/namespace/pod filters also used by the pod logs, add resource.labels.container_name="mycontainer" to get the logs from a specific container.

In-Cluster Logging Deployments

NAMESPACE     NAME                                                        READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
kube-system   event-exporter-v0.2.5-7df89f4b8f-cd9z9                      2/2     Running   0          23m
kube-system   fluentd-gcp-scaler-54ccb89d5-s6wqf                          1/1     Running   0          23m
kube-system   fluentd-gcp-v3.1.1-4zqtb                                    2/2     Running   0          23m
kube-system   fluentd-gcp-v3.1.1-7rcnc                                    2/2     Running   0          23m
kube-system   stackdriver-metadata-agent-cluster-level-5789cffbb4-lfg8l   1/1     Running   0          23m
  • Event Exporter - A simple API Server event "watcher" with a "prometheus-to-stackdriver" sidecar for shipping cluster events to Stackdriver logs.
  • Fluentd GCP - The main logging agent that ships all pod/container logs to Stackdriver. Runs as a daemonset with a single replica per worker node, and has a "prometheus-to-stackdriver" sidecar for shipping fluentd's logging metrics about log counts, etc. Note: Runs as root, binds to the hostNetwork, and mounts several logging related hostPath mounts. These are necessary to do its job, but be aware of who has the ability to run kubectl exec into pods in the kube-system namespace.
  • Stackdriver Metadata Agent - A simple API Server resource "watcher" that sends metadata about nodes, pods, cronjobs, daemonsets, deployments, endpoints, ingresses, jobs, namespaces, replicasets, replicationcontrollers, services, and statefulsets to Stackdriver so that the dashboard has the appropriate context.

COS Auditd Logs

By default, logs from the Linux audit subsystem are not shipped via the native Stackdriver Kubernetes Engine Logging mechanism on GKE Worker instances running COS. To capture and ship these logs, you must manually deploy a separate daemonset from this YAML manifest. This daemonset pulls specific logs from the operating system above and beyond the normal Stackdriver Kubernetes Engine Logging daemonset. Examples include:

  • auditd configuration modifications
  • AppArmor logs
  • Executions of execve(), socket(), setsockopt(), and mmap()
  • User logins
  • SSH session and TTY sessions

These are potentially verbose but very important logs from a security perspective. It is recommended that you deploy this immediately after creating the cluster.

Below is a snippet from a TTY (SSH session) to a GKE node with a couple MESSAGE field contents:

SYSCALL arch=c000003e syscall=59 success=yes exit=0 a0=1051108 a1=10552c8 a2=1052008 a3=59a items=2 ppid=72125 pid=72142 auid=4294967295 uid=0 gid=0 euid=0 suid=0 fsuid=0 egid=0 sgid=0 fsgid=0 tty=pts0 ses=4294967295 comm="hostname" exe="/bin/hostname" key=(null)
USER_START pid=85481 uid=0 auid=5002 ses=6 msg='op=PAM:session_open grantors=pam_loginuid,pam_env,pam_lastlog,pam_limits,pam_env,pam_unix,pam_permit,pam_tty_audit,pam_mail acct="myusername" exe="/usr/sbin/sshd" hostname= addr= terminal=ssh res=success'

In order to get logs from other systemd units like sshd.service, you can modify the ConfigMap of the YAML manifest and add this block following below the linux-auditd block:

      @type systemd
      filters [{ "_SYSTEMD_UNIT": "sshd.service" }]
      pos_file /var/log/gcp-journald-sshd.pos
      read_from_head true
      tag sshd

To take effect, run kubectl delete -f cos-auditd-logging.yaml and kubectl apply -f cos-auditd-logging.yaml.

SSHD related logs will appear using the following filter:

pam_unix(sshd:session): session opened for user myusername by (uid=0)

GCE Logs for GKE Clusters

  • GCE Instance Group - resource.type="gce_instance_group" Logs when GKE worker instances are added/removed from the node pool instance group.
  • GCE Instance Group Manager - resource.type="" Logs for GCE Instance group operations success/failure.
  • GCE Instance Template - resource.type="" Logs for when the instanceTemplate for a node pool instance group is inserted/updated/deleted.
  • GCE VM Instance - resource.type="gce_instance" Logs when GKE worker instances are inserted/deleted, their secure boot attestation output status, and more.
  • GCE Disk - resource.type="gce_disk" Shows GKE specific operations on the underlying GCE VM Disks.
  • GCE Subnetwork - resource.type="gce_subnetwork" Shows GKE specific operations on the subnets when clusters and node pools are modified.

Log Exports

The CIS GCP Benchmarks include a requirement to have a "full" export of all Stackdriver logs to a more permanent destination. Admin activity logs are stored for you for just over a year, but data access logs are only available for 30 days. Exporting all logs to a GCS Bucket with a retention policy and lifecycle policy that moves them to "colder" storage over time is highly recommended and often required by compliance frameworks. See Log Exports for the mechanics for setting up exports to GCS, Pub/Sub, and/or BigQuery. Keep in mind that exports only apply to new log lines that arrive after the export is in place.



When is enabled for a cluster in a project, the following now appears in Stackdriver:

Stackdriver Monitoring Dashboard

The combination of the following In-Cluster Monitoring Deployments ships all metrics-related items to Stackdriver:

kube-system   heapster-dff778fcf-5fc7m                                    3/3     Running   0          58m
kube-system   metrics-server-v0.3.1-8d4c5db46-wkgwn                       2/2     Running   0          57m
kube-system   prometheus-to-sd-db5wc                                      1/1     Running   0          57m
kube-system   prometheus-to-sd-pbzsx                                      1/1     Running   0          57m
kube-system   stackdriver-metadata-agent-cluster-level-5789cffbb4-lfg8l   1/1     Running   0          23m
  • Heapster - A deployment that ships certain metrics directly to Stackdriver through a "prometheus-to-stackdriver" sidecar. To see which metrics are exported, run:

    kubectl exec -it -n kube-system $(kubectl get pod -n kube-system -l k8s-app=heapster --no-headers -o custom-columns="") -c heapster-nanny -- wget -qO - localhost:8082/metrics
  • Metrics Server - An API Server extension ( that provides the current resources used by nodes or pods for commands such as kubectl top nodes and kubectl top pods. Used as the main resource usage point for controllers like the horizontal- (HPA) and vertical-pod-autoscaler (VPA).

    $ kubectl top nodes
    NAME                                        CPU(cores)   CPU%   MEMORY(bytes)   MEMORY%   
    gke-monitoring-default-pool-142a11d6-142p   54m          5%     708Mi           26%       
    gke-monitoring-default-pool-142a11d6-zf1k   46m          4%     676Mi           25%     
    $ kubectl top pods -A
    NAMESPACE     NAME                                                        CPU(cores)   MEMORY(bytes)   
    kube-system   event-exporter-v0.2.5-7df89f4b8f-cd9z9                      1m           17Mi            
    kube-system   fluentd-gcp-scaler-54ccb89d5-s6wqf                          21m          34Mi            
    kube-system   fluentd-gcp-v3.1.1-4zqtb                                    9m           138Mi           
    kube-system   fluentd-gcp-v3.1.1-7rcnc                                    7m           137Mi           
    kube-system   heapster-dff778fcf-5fc7m                                    2m           35Mi            
    kube-system   kube-dns-5877696fb4-59s5k                                   2m           28Mi            
    kube-system   kube-dns-5877696fb4-69pp2                                   2m           28Mi            
    kube-system   kube-dns-autoscaler-57d56b4f56-7pv8j                        1m           6Mi             
    kube-system   kube-proxy-gke-monitoring-default-pool-142a11d6-142p        1m           11Mi            
    kube-system   kube-proxy-gke-monitoring-default-pool-142a11d6-zf1k        3m           12Mi            
    kube-system   l7-default-backend-8f479dd9-zpqh4                           1m           2Mi             
    kube-system   metrics-server-v0.3.1-8d4c5db46-wkgwn                       1m           17Mi            
    kube-system   prometheus-to-sd-db5wc                                      0m           9Mi             
    kube-system   prometheus-to-sd-pbzsx                                      1m           9Mi             
    kube-system   stackdriver-metadata-agent-cluster-level-5789cffbb4-lfg8l   3m           17Mi     

  • Prometheus to Stackdriver - A "prometheus-to-stackdriver" daemonset that ships the local kube-proxy (localhost:10249) and kubelet (localhost:10255) prometheus-formatted metrics to stackdriver. Runs on the hostNetwork. To see what they each export, run:

    kubectl run --rm -it busybox --image=busybox --restart=Never --overrides='{"kind":"Pod", "apiVersion":"v1", "spec": {"hostNetwork":true}}' -- wget -qO - localhost:10249/metrics
    kubectl run --rm -it busybox --image=busybox --restart=Never --overrides='{"kind":"Pod", "apiVersion":"v1", "spec": {"hostNetwork":true}}' -- wget -qO - localhost:10255/metrics

  • Stackdriver Metadata Agent - A simple API Server resource "watcher" that sends metadata about nodes, pods, cronjobs, daemonsets, deployments, endpoints, ingresses, jobs, namespaces, replicasets, replicationcontrollers, services, and statefulsets to Stackdriver so that the dashboard has the appropriate context.

Other Considerations

  • If you want to use a third party monitoring system such as prometheus or DataDog, you can still install and manage them yourself inside your cluster alongside these components.
  • You most likely cannot customize the Stackdriver monitoring/logging deployments or configmaps directly as the add-on manager will reconcile them to their original state. To be able to customize the components, you must opt-out of installing these components during cluster creation and manually install them from manifests. This isn't a common or recommended practice as you will be responsible for maintaining compatibility across GKE version upgrades yourself, but it's available for advanced use cases.
  • Note that metrics and logs go to the local Stackdriver project, so multi-tenant cluster use cases will co-mingle that data for all tenants by default. Giving IAM permissions to view logs and metrics is project-scoped, so giving a tenant the ability to see the data gives them access to cluster-wide metrics and logs.
