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Cluster Configuration

The GKE Cluster Architecture

Google Kubernetes Engine makes several key architectural decisions for you that may differ from other Kubernetes cluster installations. These choices are made in the interest of ease of use, operational simplicity, and security:

  • There is no direct access to the control plane systems - GKE manages the GCE instances running etcd and the api server and supporting components, and does not expose them to you or an attacker via SSH, for example. In exchange for giving up direct control over all API server configuration flags, your GKE cluster offers very strong protection of the core components and sensitive data in etcd automatically. This means your control over the control plane is restricted to the configuration options on the GKE cluster object.
  • Upgrades are handled via GKE Operations - Upgrades and downgrades are handled via GKE operations through API calls. GKE versions (which map to Kubernetes versions) and worker node OS security and version upgrades are all core features of the built-in upgrade process.
  • The default worker node operating system is COS - Container-optimized OS is a hardened, minimal operating system engineered specifically to run containers and to function as a Kubernetes worker node. While SSH is enabled by default and integrates with GCP SSH functionality, it's goal is to make SSHing into each worker node unnecessary by handling patching and upgrades as a part of the node pool lifecycle. There is an Ubuntu worker node option for supporting unique use cases, but it requires additional administration in terms of upgrades and security patches.
  • The CNI is not configurable - The native GKE CNI is used to connect worker nodes and pods to the GCP Network and is not currently replacable.
  • Network Policy enforcement is done via Calico - Enabling Network Policy enforcement installs a Calico deployment and daemonset as a managed addon for you.
  • Logging and Monitoring is done via Stackdriver - By default, all logs and performance metrics are sent to Stackdriver in the current GCP project.


Geographical Placement and Cluster Types

GKE clusters are by default "zonal" clusters. That is, a single GCE instance running the control plane components is deployed in the same GCP zone as the node-pool nodes. "Regional" GKE clusters are deployed across three zones in the same region. Three GCE instances running the control plane components are deployed (one per zone) behind a single IP and load balancer. The node-pools spread evenly across the zones with a minimum of one node per zone.

The key benefits to a "regional" cluster:

  • The cluster control plane can handle a single GCP zone failure more gracefully.
  • When the control plane is being upgraded, only one instance is down at a time which leaves two remaining instances. Upgrades on "zonal" clusters means a 4-10 minute downtime of the API/control plane while that takes place where you can't use kubectl to interact with your cluster.

Since there is no additional charge for running a "regional" GKE cluster with a highly-available control plane, why use a "zonal" cluster? The two primary reasons are to save on "cross-zone" network traffic costs and to support specific GPU node-pool needs.

Persistent Disks

The default StorageClass defines persistent disks that are "zonal". You may want to add a new StorageClass that makes "regional" persistent disks available for pod workloads that get rescheduled on another node in a different zone to still be able to access them.

Best Practices

  • Use Regional Clusters - Unless you have specific needs that force you to use a "zonal" cluster, using "regional" clusters offers the best redundancy and availablility for a minor increase in network traffic costs for the majority of use cases.
  • Offer a Regional Persistent Disk StorageClass - Allows pods to attach and access persistent disk volumes regardless of where they are scheduled inside the cluster. This prevents a zone failure from allowing a pod to be rescheduled and mount that disk on a node in another zone.


Google Cloud IAM and Kubernetes RBAC

  • Google Cloud Identity and Access Management (IAM) - The system in GCP that grants permissions via GCP IAM Roles to users and service accounts to access GCP APIs.
  • Kubernetes Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) - The native system inside Kubernetes that grants permissions via Kubernetes roles and clusterroles to users and service accounts to access the Kubernetes API Server.

The two APIs that can be used to interact with the GKE service and a GKE cluster are:

  1. GCP GKE API ( - Used to create/update/delete the cluster and node pools that comprise the GKE cluster and to obtain connection and credential information for how to access a given cluster.
  2. Kubernetes API of the cluster - The unique Kubernetes API Server endpoint running on the GKE Control Plane systems for a specific cluster. It controls resources and access to resources running inside the cluster.

This means that there are two main categories of permissions that you have to consider:

  • Cluster Administration - Permissions associated with administering the cluster itself.
  • Cluster Usage - Permissions associated with granting what is allowed to run inside the cluster.

There are a couple key points to understand about how Cloud IAM and Kubernetes RBAC can be used to grant permissions in GKE:

  1. GCP Cloud IAM is administered at the project level, and the granted permissions apply to all GKE clusters in the project. They remain in-place even if a cluster is deleted from the project.
  2. Kubernetes RBAC permissions are administered per-cluster and are stored inside each cluster. When that cluster is destroyed, those permissions are also destroyed.
  3. GCP Cloud IAM permissions have no concept of Kubernetes namespaces, so the permissions granted apply for all namespaces.
  4. Kubernetes RBAC can be used to grant permissions to access resources in all namespaces or only in specific namespaces.
  5. Kubernetes RBAC cannot be used to grant permissions to the GCP GKE API ( This is performed solely by Cloud IAM.
  6. Both systems are additive in that they only grant permissions. They cannot remove or negate permissions from themselves or each other.

IAM and RBAC combine inside the cluster

When accessing a resource (e.g. list pods in the default namespace) via the Kubernetes API of a GKE cluster, it can be granted via IAM or RBAC. They are effectively combined. If either grants access, the request is permitted.

Best Practices

  • There are several predefined IAM roles for GKE clusters that can ease administration as you are getting started with GKE. However, the permissions they grant are often overly broad and violate the priciple of least privileges. You will want to create custom IAM roles with just the permissions needed, but remember that IAM permissions apply to all namespaces and cannot be limited to a single namespace.

  • To maintain least privilege, it's recommended to leverage a minimal IAM role to gain access to the GKE API and then use Kubernetes RBAC roles and clusterroles to define what resources they can access inside the cluster.

    In order for users and service accounts to perform a gcloud container clusters get-credentials call to generate a valid kubeconfig for a GKE cluster, they need to have the following permissions:

    • container.apiServices.get
    • container.apiServices.list
    • container.clusters.get
    • container.clusters.list
    • container.clusters.getCredentials

    If these permissions are grouped into a custom IAM role, that IAM role can be conveniently bound to a Gsuite/Cloud Identity group which includes all users that need access to the cluster.

    From this point, the users and service accounts can be granted access to resources as needed with cluster-wide or per-namespace granularity. This has the benefit of minimizing IAM changes needed, ensuring access granted is per-cluster, giving the highest granularity, and making troubleshooting permissions an RBAC-only process.

  • With the above approach of deferring nearly all permissions to in-cluster RBAC instead of IAM, there is one exception: assigning the Kubernetes Engine Admin predefined IAM role at the project or folder level to a small number of trusted administrators to ensure that they don't accidentally remove their own access via an RBAC configuration mistake.


Cluster Access

Control Plane Access

The GCE instances running the control plane components like the kube-apiserver and etcd are not directly accessible via SSH and the GCE API. They don't appear in gcloud command outputs nor in the GCP console. The GKE control plane is only accessible via the exposed Kubernetes API on tcp/443. By default, the API is assigned a public IP address and has firewall rules that allow access from While this is conducive to ease of use and access from anywhere, it might not meet your security requirements.


Sufficient access to the Kubernetes API equates to root on all the worker nodes. Protecting the Kubernetes API from access misconfiguration, denial-of-service, and exploitation should be high on a security team's priority list.

There are controls available to improve on the default configuration, and they are covered in the next section.

Worker Node Access

Because GKE nodes are simply GCE instances inside instance groups, they are accessible via SSH in accordance with the normal GCE routing and VPC firewall rules. The standard GCE methods for using gcloud compute ssh to gain access to the underlying operating system work as expected.

There are two things to consider when granting SSH access to nodes:

  1. Does SSH access need to be available publicly? In many cases, additional firewall source restrictions are useful in limiting the allowed subnets from which SSH access can be initiated. For instance, from a set of external office IP addresses or from a specific VPC subnet designated for management purposes.
  2. Several primitive IAM roles like Owner, Editor, Dataproc Service Agent, Compute OS Admin Login, Compute Admin, and Compute Instance Admin include the compute.instances.osAdminLogin permission. Users and service accounts with those permissions and network level access can SSH into the worker nodes and gain root permissions at the operating system level.


Gaining root access to a GKE worker node allows that user to view all secrets attached to pods running on that node. Those secrets may include tokens that belong to service accounts which have elevated permissions to the Kubernetes API. With that token, that user can access the Kubernetes API as that service account. If that service account has permissions to modify Role-Based Access Control or to view all secrets, that commonly equates to full cluster access (aka "cluster admin"). As "cluster admin" has full control of the Kubernetes API, that equates to root on all worker nodes.

Cluster Settings

For a full list of cluster configuration level items, the google_container_cluster terraform provider documentation is a fantastic resource for a list of each setting and its purpose. The list below aims to cover the availability and security-related items with additional supporting guidance:

  • Location - The region ("us-central1") or zone ("us-central1-a") where the cluster will be located. Clusters cannot span multiple regions. If a region is specified, the control plane will have an instance in each of the three zones. If a zone is specified, the control plane will have a single instance in that zone only.
  • Node Locations - The list of one to three zones where the nodes will be located, and it must be in the same region. Recommend: specifying a region to obtain a fault-tolerant control plane.


If node locations is specified, it overrides the default behavior. It's possible to have a regional cluster but then use node locations to restrict the zones to only one or two instead of the default of three. It's also possible to create a zonal cluster with a single control plane instance but then use node locations to select one to three zones where the nodes will be located. Typically, this feature is used to help guide clusters into configurations to align with large CPU or GPU quota needs.

  • Addons Config
    • HTTP Load Balancing - Enabled by default, this installs the ingress-gce HTTP/S Load Balancing and Ingress Controller. It can be disabled to allow for installation of a different ingress controller solution or left implemented but unused. Recommend: enabled.
    • Kubernetes Dashboard - Now disabled by default, this installs a Kubernetes dashboard deployment inside the cluster. Historically, the dashboard has been misconfigured and has had a small number of security issues that have led to compromises. With the GCP console providing all the dashboard features needed, this can and should be disabled. Clusters that were originally created in the Kubernetes 1.6 era and upgraded to the present may still have this enabled. Recommend: Disabled.
    • Network Policy - Disabled by default, this installs the Calico CNI components which enables the configuration of networkpolicy resources in the Kubernetes API that can restrict pod'-to-podcommunication. It is "safe" to enable by default as the default effect of thenetworkpolicyconfiguration in Kubernetes is "allow all traffic" until anetworkpolicy` is defined. Recommend: Enabled.
    • Istio - Disabled by default, this installs the Google-managed deployment of Istio inside the cluster. Istio can provide interesting security-related features like "mutual TLS" encryption for traffic between pods in the mesh, deep traffic inspection in the form of network traces, and granular role-based permissions for egress network traffic and Layer 7 access controls. In terms of complexity, Istio adds over 50 custom resource definitions that a security team will need to analyze and understand to have awareness of the security posture of the cluster. Recommend: "Disabled" until the features are needed.
  • Database Encryption - Disabled by default, this enables an integration with Cloud KMS to have the API server access a Cloud KMS key to encrypt and decrypt the contents of secrets as they are stored and accessed from etcd. In environments where the control plane nodes are potentially accessible, this makes the compromise of a dedicated etcd system or etcd backup more difficult to extract the secrets in plain-text. In GKE, the control plane systems are not accessible directly by users or attackers, so this adds marginal benefit aside from satisfying regulatory requirements of "databases must encrypt sensitive records at the row-level". Recommend: "Disabled" unless compliance requirements dictate.
  • Default Max Pods Per Node - Controls how many pods can run on a single node. The default is the hard-coded maximum of 110, but this can be reduced to 64, 32, 16, or 8 if the workload profile is known. This causes the subnet allocated to each GKE node to go from a /24 down to a /25, /26, and so on, and it can greatly reduce IP address consumption of precious RFC1918 space. Recommend: the default of 110 unless specific IP space or capacity needs require smaller.
  • Binary Authorization - Disabled by default. This addon enables an admission controller that validates pod specs against a policy that defines which container image repositories are allowed and/or validates that container images have a valid PGP signature before allowing them to run inside the cluster. Can be enabled safely as the default policy is to "allow all" until configured. Recommend: Enabled.
  • Kubernetes Alpha - Disabled by default. Do not enable on production clusters as alpha clusters are deleted automatically after 30 days by GKE. Recommend: Disabled.
  • Legacy ABAC - Disabled by default, this is a legacy permissions mechanism that is largely unused in the Kubernetes community. The default role-based access control (RBAC) mechanism is enabled by default and is preferred. Recommend: Disabled.
  • Logging Service - Enabled by default, this installs and manages a daemonset that collects and sends all pod logs to Stackdriver for processing, troubleshooting, and analysis/auditing purposes. Recommend:
  • Maintenance Policy - Defines a preferred 4-hour time window (in UTC) for when GKE should perform automatic or security-related upgrades. Recommend: setting a 4-hour UTC window with the least workload impact and overlap with operational on-call rotations.
  • Master Authorized Networks - By default, the implicit allowed CIDR range is for which source IPs can connect to the Kubernetes API. You may specify up to 50 different CIDR ranges. This setting can be changed as needed without affecting the lifecycle of the running cluster, and it is the most common method for reducing the scope of who can reach the Kubernetes cluster API to a smaller set of IPs. In the event of a vulnerability in the API server, enabling a small list of CIDRs to a known set can reduce the risk of an organization delaying maintenance operations to a time that is less busy or risky. Recommend: Configuring a short list of allowed CIDRs.
  • Monitoring Service - Enabled by default, this installs and manages a daemonset that collects and sends all metrics to Stackdriver for troubleshooting and analysis. Recommend:
  • Pod Security Policy - Disabled by default, this enables the admission controller used to validate the specifications of pods to prevent insecure or "privileged" pods from being created that allow trivial escaping to the underlying host as root and bypassing other security mechanisms like networkpolicy. Recommend: Enabled with extensive testing OR implementing the same features with an Open Policy Agent/Gatekeeper validating admission controller.
  • Authenticator Groups - Disabled by default, this enables RBAC to use Google Groups in RoleBinding and ClusterRoleBinding resources instead of having to specify each user or serviceaccount individually. For example, a Gsuite administrator creates a group called and places groups named gke-admins@ and gke-developers@ inside it. Passing to this setting allows RBAC to reference/lookup the and/or when evaluating access in the API to resources. Recommend: Enabled if using Gsuite/Google Groups to support easier to manage RBAC policies.
  • Private Cluster -
    • Master IPv4 CIDR Range - The RFC1918 subnet that the control plane should pick an IP address from when assigning a private IP. Recommend: a /28 that does not overlap with any other IP space in use.
    • Enable Private Endpoint - "false" by default, setting this to "true" instructs the GKE control plane IP to be selected from the master CIDR range and does not expose a public IP address. Recommend: true
    • Enable Private Nodes - "false" by default, setting this to "true" instructs the GKE nodes to not be assigned a public IP address. Recommend: true

Private Clusters

There is a common misconception that a "private cluster" is one that has worker nodes with private IP addresses. This is only half-correct. A true "private cluster" is one that has both the control plane and nodes using private IP addresses, and both of the above settings are necessary to achieve that improved security posture. When these two settings are enabled and combined with a small list of master authorized networks, the attack surface of the Kubernetes API can be significantly reduced.

  • Remove Default Node Pool - By default, GKE deploys a node pool to be able to run pods. However, its lifecycle is tied to that of the cluster object. Meaning, certain changes may cause the entire cluster to be recreated. It's recommended that you disable/remove the default node pool and explicitly declare node pools with the desired settings so that they keep their lifecycles independent from the control plane/cluster.
  • Workload Identity - Disabled by default, this enables the Workload Identity addon and by specifying which Identity "domain" to use. Without Workload Identity, pods wanting to reach GCP APIs would be granted the credentials attached to the underlying GCE instance. The underlying GCE instance has permissions to send logs, send metrics, read from Cloud Storage/Container Registries, and more. Historically, the nodes were assigned the default compute service account which was assigned Project Editor permissions. This meant that every pod could potentially have Project Editor access! With Workload Identity, a daemonset on every worker node intercepts all calls for instance credentials to the metadata API. If the Kubernetes service account attached to that pod has been granted a specific binding to a Google service account, then the dynamic crednetials for that specific Google service account will be returned to the pod. In essence, this is a way to map Kubernetes service accounts to Google service accounts and can remove the need for exporting Google service account keys in JSON format and storing them manually inside Kubernetes secrets. Recommend: Enabled.
  • IntraNode Visibility - Disabled by default, this enables the network traffic on the pod network to be viewable by the VPC to be available for capture with VPC flow logs. Recommend: Disabled unless flow logs from pod traffic is needed.

Node Pool Settings

For a full list of node configuration level items, the google_container_node_pool terraform provider documentation lists each setting and its purpose. The list below aims to cover the availability and security-related items with additional supporting guidance:

  • Auto Repair - If enabled, should the node validate its own health and destroy/recreate the node if it detects a problem. Generally speaking, this can be safely enabled and avoid getting paged for minor issues that can be self-healed. Recommend: Enabled.
  • Auto Upgrade - If enabled, will attempt to keep the node versions in sync with the control plane version during the maintenance window. Depending on how the applications running inside the cluster respond to losing a worker node or how close to maximum capacity the cluster is running, this may or may not affect workload availability. While all applications should be designed to handle this gracefully, it may require additional testing before it is considered appropriate to enable on your production clusters. Recommend: Enabled with proper testing.
  • Node Config
    • Image Type - Default is "COS", or "Container-Optimized OS". This is a hardened, minimalist distribution of Linux that is designed to run containers securely. Currently, the stable/default version of "COS" leverages a full Docker installation. "COS_containerd" is available leverages containerd instead. "Ubuntu" is available for specific needs where full control over the Operating System and kernel modules is required, but it defers many operational and security-related tasks to the customer. Recommend: "COS" until "COS_containerd" becomes the default.
    • Metadata - The mechanism for passing attributes to the GCE Instance Metadata of the underlying GCE instances. Perhaps the most important setting which is now default in GKE 1.12+, is disable-legacy-endpoints=true. This enables only the v1 metadata API on the instance and disables the "legacy" API version v1beta1. The legacy API does not require a custom HTTP header of Metadata-Flavor: Google to be passed in order to access the metadata API. Applications running on the GCE instance or pods on the GKE worker nodes vulnerable to Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF) attacks are therefore much less likely to allow exposure of instance credentials via the Metadata API since they need to also control the ability to send the custom HTTP header for the attack to succeed. Recommend: disable-legacy-endpoints=true is set.
    • Oauth Scopes - oauth scopes serve to "scope" or "limit" the GCP APIs that the credentials of the attached service account can access. It is the intersection or "overlap" of the permissions granted by the oauth scopes and the Service Account that defines the actual access. If a service account attached to the node pool is granted Project Owner but is only assigned the oauth scope, then those credentials can only write logs to Stackdriver. Additionally, if the oauth scope was (an alias for "*" or "any GCP API") but the service account was only granted roles/logging.writer, then those credentials can still only be used to write logs to Stackdriver. Avoid granting cloud-platform or compute oauth scopes, especially when paired with Project Editor or Project Owner or Compute Admin IAM roles, or any pod can leverage that access! Recommend: the oauth scopes assigned to new clusters by default in GKE 1.12+.
    • Sandbox Config (Gvisor) - Disabled by default, this allows the nodes to run pods with the gVisor sandboxing technology. This provides much greater isolation of the container and its ability to interact with the host kernel, but certain pod features are not supported. Disk performance of those pods will be negatively affected, so additional acceptance testing encouraged. Recommend: enabled on dedicated node pools where workloads are running that need additional isolation.
    • Service Account - By default, the "Default Compute Service Account" in the project is assigned, and this has Project Editor bound. To give each cluster and/or node pool the ability to use separate and least-privilege permissions, this should be a dedicated service account created for each cluster or node pool, and the minimum permissions assigned to it. Used in conjunction with Oauth Scopes. Recommend: create and specify a dedicated service account and not the default.
    • Workload Metadata - Not set by default (the equivalent of "UNSPECIFIED"), this flag enables either the Metadata Concealment Proxy ("SECURE") or Workload Identity ("GKE_METADATA_SERVER") options. The Workload Identity feature performs all of the same concealment functionality of the Metadata Concealment Proxy buth with the added ability of mapping KSAs to GSAs for dynamic GCP credential access. Recommend: "GKE_METADATA_SERVER".
